Text donations are quick and easy

You can donate to The Elizabeth Foundation simply by sending a text message on your mobile phone:

  • Text the word LISTEN followed by a space and the amount you want to donate to 70085 - for example to donate £5 send the text "LISTEN 5" (without quote marks) to 70085.
  • You can donate any other amount (in whole £s) from £1 to £20 simply by changing the number after the space - for example send the text LISTEN 10 to donate £10.
  • You can also set up a regular monthly donation using your phone - to do this, text the word LISTENMONTHLY followed by a space and the amount you want to donate each month - for example to donate £7 each month text LISTENMONTHLY 7 to 70085 (this will be taken from your phone credit or added to your mobile phone bill)
  • You will then receive a text back from thanking you for your donation and giving you details on how you can add a further 25% in Gift Aid by clicking on a link in the text.

How much will it cost you to donate?

We use the cost-effective Donr text giving service. Text donations via Donr will be charged at your standard network rate plus the amount you have chosen to donate. You can give up to £20 per one text.

When you make a text donation, it'll either be deducted from your mobile phone credit or added to your mobile phone bill – and you won't pay any VAT on your donation.

How much of your donation goes to charity?

Donr takes 5% fee per donation made, which they charge on the gross donation value (not including Gift Aid contributions).

Can you claim Gift Aid on your text donations?

Yes. Just follow the instructions you will receive by text every time you make a donation. Or make sure you have signed our Gift Aid Declaration.

Find out more

To find out more, visit the Donr text giving webpage.

Text to donate

It's quick and easy to text a donation using your phone:

  • To donate £5, text "LISTEN 5" to 70085.
  • To donate a different amount (from £1 to £20), just change the number in the text.
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